What the world needs now....

rudolph trapper 9/12/14

is a double LP live BT record.

Band Member
michael.james 9/12/14

Shh. We might have something up our sleeves.

Band Member
michael.james 9/13/14

That place kicks ass. 

rudolph trapper 10/1/14

Mike this is freakin awesome news bro!!!! I will keep this secret with me.

otisarungus 10/4/14

Awesome news. 

In the meantime there's a ton of great recordings on archive.org

Kevidently 10/14/14

Oh man. I am PRAYING on your sleeves.

OCDBT4ME 11/1/14

Why stop at double? Surely you have enough material for a triple live LP! :))

junglelove 12/16/14

BLITZENϟTRAPPER @BlitzenTrapper · 12h12 hours ago

.@MikeLuoma and record is pretty much written. Start recording in earnest next month.

+ promised live album

+ promised store update ;)

Should be a good 2015...

junglelove 12/17/14

And lo in time for Xmas, BT delivered - BOOM !

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